Girls Who Code T-shirts for Sale!

Date de publication : 8 avr. 2016 00:06:12

We hope your girls will remember their Girls Who Code experience for a long time. It's always nice to have a tangible souvenir from an experience like this, so we will be printing up stylish T-shirts that they can wear with pride at school, at camp, or around town.

The cost for the shirt is $8 each, and you can order as many as you like (or none -- it's totally optional). Buy one for yourself or any other GWC boosters in your life too!

The deadline for shirts orders is Friday, April 22. Check out the size charts below and then fill out this form to let me know what style and size(s) we should order for you. You can pay for the shirt in cash (exact change only, please) or with a check made out to "Newton Girls Who Code"