Club Khan Academy Class

Level 2 & 3 students should all create a Khan Academy account for themselves so that they can use its JavaScript development environment for class projects. They should then join the Newton GWC 2014-2015 Khan Academy Class in order to share their projects with the instructors.

Creating a Khan Academy account

  • Go to and click on the "Log in" button in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Follow the instructions from there, either logging in via Google/Facebook, or creating a new, dedicated Khan Academy identity.
  • You may re-use an existing Khan Academy accounts if you have one, and you may sign into Khan Academy using an existing Google or Facebook account you have one.

Joining the Newton GWC 2014-2015 class

  • You're set! Now when you save your programs, the NewtonGWC instructors will be able to see them and give you feedback.