
Here is the reference solution for Problem Set 1, greedy.c

#include <cs50.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

float GetAmount() {

int done = 0;

float amount = 0.0;

while (!done) {

printf("O hai! How much change is owed?\n");

amount = GetFloat();

if (amount >= 0.0) {

done = 1;



return amount;


int DollarsToCents(float dollars) {

return round(100.0 * dollars);


int BiggestCoinIn(int num_cents) {

if (num_cents >= 25) {

return 25;

} else if (num_cents >= 10) {

return 10;

} else if (num_cents >=5) {

return 5;

} else if (num_cents >=1) {

return 1;

} else {

return 0;



// Returns the number of coins needed to represent a non-negative number

// of cents.

int MinimumCoinsForAmount(int num_cents) {

int num_coins = 0;

while (num_cents > 0) {

int coin = BiggestCoinIn(num_cents);


num_cents -= coin;


return num_coins;


int main(void) {

float num_dollars = GetAmount();

int num_cents = DollarsToCents(num_dollars);

int num_coins = MinimumCoinsForAmount(num_cents);

printf("%d\n", num_coins);

return 0;
