Activity Sets

This year’s curriculum features interest-based Activity Sets through which girls can learn the core concepts of computer programming. We offer many avenues to learn these same concepts. The goal is to learn what you are interested in at your own pace. We also offer Extended Activity Sets to cater to girls who have been in Clubs for a few years and want new challenges.

Core4 Activity Sets

Computer science is a rapidly changing field, and the list of programming languages that engineers use is always evolving. Still, there are a few logical problem-solving concepts that are the building blocks of nearly all programming languages. Girls Who Code calls these ideas the Core4: variables, loops, conditionals and functions. These Core4 concepts can be combined to solve many kinds of problems, whether you're building a game, running a simulation, or creating digital art.

Here are links to our Core 4 Activity sets. They all require login access the We suggest all girls try the Codesters / Python activity set first, as we will be presenting supplemental tutorials in Python throughout the year.

Extended Activity Sets - Beyond the Core4

The Core4 Activity Sets are meant to build proficiency in the Core4: loops, variables, conditionals and functions. However, there is a lot more to Computer Science than these four concepts! Extended Activity Sets give you the chance to explore these other concepts after you have developed a strong grasp of the Core4.

Here are links to our Extended Activity sets. They all require login access the

Other Activities

See our Archive of Past Years if you are looking for the 2016-2017 Activity Sets.