First-Time Getting Started Steps

Welcome to Girls Who Code Club Newton! If this is your first time at a club meeting, this is the page for you.

There are a few steps you should take to get setup to join the fun. The whole process will take 10-20 minutes.

0) Make a name tag for yourself. Ask a club leader for materials.

1) Make sure the club leader gets your name, grade, and email address when attendance is taken. It's OK to use a parent's email if you don't have one of your own or if you are more comfortable.

2) Fill out the online Student pre-survey of Computer Science exposure. Ask one of the club leaders for the club ID number and club name needed to compete the survey.

3) Ask for a printed copy of the Technical checklist, complete it, and hand it to a club leader. This checklist is to help understand how much you already know. We will use this to put you in a level where you will learn the most! Don't worry if you check off none of the items or all of the items -- GWC Club Newton has something for everybody.

4) Create an account for yourself at the Scratch Website (click on the "Join Scratch" link on the Scratch home page). Don't use your real name. When you're done, tell a club leader the username you choose so we can add you to the list of member usernames. If you already have a Scratch account from some prior involvement, feel free to re-use it.

5) If the club leader decides to place you in Level 2, create an account for yourself at the Khan Academy programming website. This will let you save your work from session to session and allow you to continue your club work at home.

That's it! Now join in with whatever club activity is going on.
